CRA’P Collaborations 2023
17 March from 19:00 to 21:00
CRA’P in collaboration with the Archives OVNI – Observatory of Video Not Identified, presents a video-essay curated by Alessandro Quaranta and Toni Cots capable of arousing in the observer a critical as well as a contemplative thought.
The material used consists partly of open source videos available on the web and re-edited, some available on the online archive, and others created specifically for this project.
The research has focused on the conflictivity existing in the interpretation of reality, along with a critique of modernity, using the duplicity of opposites (light/darkness, place/space, sacred/divine), identifying them as a model to explore different authorial videos, interviews and various documentaries.
In Light and Vibration a concern emerges for those places, even anonymous, corporeal and geographical, that are responsible for momentary illuminations and visions of the soul.
Authors and participants in Light and Vibration:
Toni Serra/Abu-Ali, Toni Cots, Fernand Deligny, Esther Freixa i Ràfols, Gian Antonio Gilli, Ariel Jimenez, Alessandro Quaranta, Jesus Rafael Soto, Laurel Swenson, Renaud Victor, Peter Watkins.
Reverse Box Office.
Auditorium Cultural Centre La Marineta, Mollet del Vallès.
Alessandro Quaranta es video artista, graduado en la Academia de Bellas Artes Albertina de Turín. En su práctica creativa, adopta un enfoque simbiótico de inmersión-escucha con respecto a lo que llama su atención; personas, cosas o animales, que documenta con el video. En sus videos también registra situaciones y contextos sensibles, a partir de los márgenes y los confines: naturales y políticos, materiales e inmateriales. En particular, presta particular atención a la relación entre los espacios y las comunidades que los habitan o atraviesan. Sus obras han sido expuestas en muestras colectivas e individuales en varios países de Europa.
Toni Cots is an actor, researcher, teacher and director of Performing Arts, and manager of international cultural projects. Has studied contemporary dance in Europe and different theatre traditions and martial arts in India, Bali and Japan. For 10 years has been an actor of Odin Theatre, and a staff member of ISTA – International School of Theatre Anthropology until 1985. Has directed cultural and theatre programs, activities and festivals in different countries and cities (Sitges, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Barcelona, etc.). Has generated international cultural projects related to social issues in different countries as well as contexts. His cultural projects, artistic works and workshops, as Basho and on his own, have been presented and implemented in Europe, Southern Mediterranean region, Latin-America and Asia. Between 2001 and 2010 has generated and coordinated, together with the dance company Malpelo, the research and creation Centre L’animal a l’esquena, in Girona, Spain. Between 2007 and 2010 is the director of the MA in Contemporary Arts Practice & Dissemination. From 1999 to 2019 is part of the editorial board of Performance Research (Routledge). Currently is a founding member of CRA’P.
The materials contained in the OVNI Archives are the result of various thematic research projects, a whole constellation of titles with the common denominator of their free expression and reflection on individual and collective fears and pleasures. It builds together a vision of multiple facets, like thousands of little eyes, that deepen and explore our world, or announce other possible ones.