CRA’P seminars 2014


Contemporary Arts Practice & Contexts

June – July 2014

The Seminar Artworks & landmarks intends to approach the cross-disciplinary/inter-media practices of contemporary artworks, with the intention to breakdown its boundaries by studying and interrogating its cultural contexts  rather than its disciplinary practices.

Artworks & Landmarks are the two main subjects that inform and frame the activities, discourse and development process of the Seminar.

The overall objective of the seminar is to invite a small group of participants to question and expand the notion of contemporary art practices related to the concept of displacement in different cultural contexts of the Mediterranean area. The program is based on applied artistic fieldwork research throughout a mobility period in the rural area of Tahanout (Marrakesh, Morocco), Barcelona (Spain) and Marseille (France).

The Seminar also provides a critical framework for contemporary practice that is concerned more with ideas of process, mobility, flow, displacement and transmission, than with form, object, materials, and techniques. Therefore its program seeks to provide an understanding that can reflect, position, or map the shifting role of artwork in contemporary culture.

Application period until April 15th 2014

Download Program Presentation 2014

Download Annex with CV collaborators and staff

Download Application form



Concept and direction: Toni Cots
Communication and production: Esther Freixa
Collaborators: Toni Serra, Carme Torrent, Montse Romaní and Olivier Franquet
Main collaborating organisations: Bookshop La Central, Subtramas, Compagnie Inflammable, Cité des Arts de la rue, Mollet del Vallès City Council
More information write to
CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |