The materials contained in the OVNI Archives – Observatory of Video Not Identified are the result of various thematic research projects, a whole constellation of titles with the common denominator of their free expression and reflection on individual and collective fears and pleasures. It builds together a vision of multiple facets, like thousands of little eyes, that deepen and explore our world, or announce other possible ones. (
CRA’P Collaborations 2024
CRA’P in collaboration with the Archives OVNI – Observatory of Video Not Identified and the Cultural Centre ‘La Marineta’, presents a video program with a subsequent discussion about the transmitted and evoked presences through vital experiences in symbiosis with nature and its cycles. Alessandro Quaranta and Scott Barley have in common an attitude of radical permanence when facing the experience of that which is observed and the vision delivered to the audience.
CRA’P Collaborations 2023
CRA’P in collaboration with the Archives OVNI – Observatory of Video Not Identified, presents a video-essay curated by Alessandro Quaranta and Toni Cots capable of arousing in the observer a critical as well as a contemplative thought.
CRA’P Collaborations 2022
CRA’P in collaboration with the Archives OVNI – Observatory of Video Not Identified, presents a video program with a subsequent discussion about the limits that separate the existing from the void: between erosion of time and oblivion, sleep and wakefulness, presence and absence…
CRA’P Collaborations 2021
CRA’P in collaboration with the Archives OVNI presents a video program with a subsequent discussion about the intermediate world: between the visible and the invisible, sleep and wakefulness …
CRA’P Collaborations 2020
CRA’P in collaboration with the Archives OVNI presents a video program with a subsequent discussion in memory of toni serra *) abu ali.