CRA’P collaborations 2018

Friday 22 June at 20h in the Garden of the Can Mulà Library

with Michael Gadish, Gisele Cornejo and the music of Ofer Ronen

Respirar el Mahabharata (breathing the Mahabharata) is a performance in which Michael Gadish research the wide Indian epic called Mahabharata. From the year 2016 to 2028, every 12th of December during 12 years, he presents a new volume in the form of a show. Each performance has its meaning by itself and on the same time it has a meaning in the context of the continuous process that will span these 12 years.

What will be shown the 22nd of June in the gardens of Can Mulà library is the show corresponding to the second volume of the Mahabharata, developed with the actress and Singer Gisele Cornejo and based on the symbolism of number 2, couples from the beginning of the Mahabharata, the relation of the feminine to the masculine in the work and the difference between You/Me and Me/They. With the music of Ofer Ronen.







Along his career path Michael Gadish has combined together the study of Hebrew and Sanskrit language with theater, dance and performance dramaturgy. Research on orality and storytelling matched with a passion for sacred stories from India has led him to throw himself almost exclusively in this tradition. He gives lectures about Indian mythology that fuse a didactic attitude with an artistic experience.

Gisele Cornejo is an actress, singer and tarot reader. Gisele Cornejo is a regular member of Respirar el Mahabharata project.

Ofer Ronen, musician and musicologist specialized in flamenco guitar and oud. Ofer Ronen and Michael Gadish are regular collaborators in different music and storytelling projects.

Free entrance. 

* Those who want to be sitting on the floor can bring a pillow from home.
Photos: Alba Montañez
CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |