Exposition and debate around the Mahabharata, with Michael Gadish

CRA’P presentations 2016

Saturday 4 of June at 19h 

Michael Gadish, following his interest on human language and the ways it defines and builds our reality, combines research on language, mythology and religion with artistic expressions. The purpose of this debate is to share views on the combination of traditional mythology with contemporary artistic formats, based on the experience gained with the 8 hours performance called Un viaje por el Ramayana (A journey through the Ramayana) directed by Maria Stoyanova, which has been performed in different spaces during the last year, and the presentation of the material collected for the 12 years project called Respirar el Mahabharata (Breathing the Mahabharata).

Breathing the Mahabharata is a performance that lasts 12 years, which revolves around the work called Mahabharata. 
The performance consists in studying during 12 years the complete version of the Mahabharata and release each year, on the 12th of December, a performance based on the oral narration of one of the books of the Mahabharata. This way, following a chronological order, the whole piece will end up being presented.

The performance’s format is similar to a traditional oral narration event with help of structures and tools coming from contemporary scenic arts. The evolution of the project, the advancement of the research and preparation of the performance, is being explained in the blog: www.respirarelmahabharata.com










The next Saturday 4th of June, at 19.00, the current results of the research made the first 6 months of the project under the direction of Maria Stoyanova will be presented at CRA’P. This will not be the definitive performance, that will be presented the next 12 of December, but a first sketch. The public is being invited to give an opinion and debate the associations the experience produces in them and the role of traditional mythology in contemporary arts.

Michael Gadish combines studies of Hebrew and Sanskrit with works in dramaturgy for theater, dance and performance. He collaborates with the therapeutic yoga academy Yoga Terapéutico Academy and imparts lectures on mythology which combines divulgation with storytelling.


Photos: CRA’P

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès | info@cra-p.org