CRA’P workshops 2015

4 Thursdays: from 7 to 28 of May from 19:30 to 21:30

We move continuously in active or passive form, voluntarily or involuntarily. When we stretch in bed to rest, the body keeps moving, breathing, pulsing, and flowing. The world keeps turning. Can we move and rest at the same time? Can we be idle and dance at the same time?

For fours sessions of 2 hours an approach to the body’s movement and ways to listen to it while resting will be made, experiencing the relationship we have with such an instrument. Each person, with more or less experience, will be able to plunge into movement, while respecting and connecting with the inner self by making a short score with the body. At the end of the sessions a dance piece will be made.

If we hope to feel, that a necessity, an impulse, a desire or a knot merges from this feeling, what’s going on? What appears? Which movements? Stop for a moment, listen and move.

Conducted by Mireia Chalamanch






Photography: Rafael Jover

Mireia Chalamanch Amat: theatre director, performer, actress and teacher.

Degree in Theatre and Drama, she has directed and performed in drama theatre, has produced her own work in the science and literary fields. Her artistic career is characterized by a poetic research about the body and the word that has manifested itself in different realms. She makes as well collaborative and creative projects, related to current topics, and teaches workshops about oral communication and in relation with the body.

In 2007 starts to develop her own artistic language related to the performance and the movement arts. Begins a working process with ‘Inside the skin’ in different residences, such as La Caldera in Barcelona. Afterwards, with the sound artist xguix works on ‘(in)permanència’ a research and creation process. Organizes the 1st. Forum of Experiences (inner perception of the body) in 2009, and in 2010 the 2nd. Forum of Experiences (the time in the body) at la Caldera. In 2012 begins ‘Coll a lloc’, a research and creation process on residence at Cra’p (Creation Practices and Artistic Research) with Toni Cots as advisor.

Fee: 50 eur
All CRA’P partners have a minimum 10% discount on all activities.
For more information: Taller Mireia Chalamanch



Photos: CRA’P

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |