CRA’P Residences 2024

12 April at 19h
At CRA’P space

Weaves together several strands: a writer struggling with his inability to come to terms with reality, the story of Ahmed and the metaphorical door, interwoven in a choreographic tapestry. Ahmed symbolises hope for a better tomorrow, his untimely death leaving a lasting mark, while the door lover serves as a conduit to the unknown, challenging our perceptions. Inspired by Robert Burns’ poem My Heart’s in the Highlands, our choreography reflects a longing for the mountains, where freedom and natural beauty reign supreme. Incorporating Jean Baudrillard’s notion of seduction, we explore the elusive nature of desire and the quest to transcend conventional production processes. Our performance invites the audience to abandon boundaries and embark on a journey into the vastness of the desert and the imagination. Through an ecological lens, we question the paradigm of productivity within the realm of entertainment. The stage, adorned with worn wooden house doors, serves as a poignant reminder of transition and passage.







Work in progress presentation.

Free pass.


Souphiène Amiar. With over 30 years of experience in theatre and dance, he is a versatile artist who weaves a rich tapestry of roles as a performer, director and dramaturg. Rooted in a commitment to exploring the intricacies of movement and expression, Souphiene’s artistic journey has been profoundly shaped by both traditional and interdisciplinary approaches. From his work as a performer with the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards to the artistic experimentations of the Cercle Collective and Compagnie ToutFaitMain, which he founded, he has explored the intersections of different disciplines, performing, directing, co-writing and collaborating with artists from a variety of creative fields. This expansive and immersive experience has allowed him to develop and refine his skills as a performer, gaining an experiential understanding of stage presence, performative styles, confidence and the art of generosity in performance.


CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |