CRA’P Resident January 2023 to December 2024
Textures is an exploration of what exists in that space before the expression is formalized.
A transit space for observing that which is manifested.
A space-scribble in which the interior and exterior initially seem blurred.
Inhabiting that confusion to search for the lines that run through us internally, spaces to escape control (that which is established from outside) …
How would it be its opening?
What is the place of interiority? Do takes place?
In this open intimacy exists a common space in which to un-tell us to find ourselves?
Textures is the second outline of the project Estudio sobre el Humo, initiated in 2018, which gives continuity to an exploration centred on the intimacy. It takes as starting point the body in dialogue with a recording practice in different formats – image and writing.
Ana S Couso
Graduated in Law and Economics, MA in Cultural Management (UOC) and Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and Dissemination, organised by L’animal a l’esquena / University of Girona/Dartington College of Arts/ Maska.
In dance she has trained independently in different schools and workshops in Madrid, Barcelona and Thessaloniki (Greece). Has participated in workshops and festivals in Europe and Israel. Has collaborated with companies and artists from Greece (Vis Motrix, XSomma-Popi Sfika, Adranies), France/Japan (Masaki Iwana) and Israel (Shahar Dor). Together with other artists she founded the collective and co-directed the multidisciplinary festival ‘Espacio’, based in Thessaloniki (Greece, 2008-2012). Recently, she trained as a Seitai (Katsugen/Yuki) instructor.
In 2010, she completed the Master in Contemporary Arts Practice and Dissemination where she investigates the body in movement as an experience of intimacy, a research that she is currently pursuing with the project ‘Estudio sobre el Humo’. In 2019, she presents the first draft of this project (‘Memoria de un instante’), with the assistance of Toni Cots and the collaboration of Carme Torrent.
In recent years she has collaborated with different cultural associations: CRA`P – Pràctiques de creació i recerca artística, l’associació Espaidó and l’associació Cultura Seitai for the dissemination of Seitai.