CRA’P residents 2011


Work in progress on the reification of the body

Can we dehumanize the person to turn it into impersonal?
Reduce the body to the state of “thing”?

The inability to dehumanize ourselves. 

A body made of flesh, bones, skin … matter that provides a starting point from where to consider the reification. 

A body-matter, a body which is related to other bodies (body-matter, body-thing) from the physicality that provides consistency of the meat, the weight of the bones or the texture of the skin and also opens the game of inter and intrapersonal manipulations.

Photo of Marina Raurell

Judit Martín i López (Barcelona and Vallès Oriental) works in reasearch and creation of movement. Trained in Barcelona, València and SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, Àustria). She base her work in Release, Klein, Axis Syllabus, Contact Improvisation and improvisation techniques, composition and instant composition.

Laida Azkona Goñi (Pamplona) is dancer and creator. Finishes her formation at SEAD, Trisha Brown Company Studio and Movement Research (New York). She creates around movement arts, is cofunder of Hierba Roja Danza and has collaborated as a performer with different companies in and out of Calalonia.

Oihana Altube Lorea (Irún and Barcelona) is dancer and Dance Movement Therapist. Trained in classical dance at Irun and Madrid (with Carmen Roche), and in Contemporary Dance at SEAD (Austria) and Barcelona. Collaborates with Carmelo Salazar as a dancer in his investigations.

This project has been in residence at La Caldera – residències 2011

Video Caldera Residències 2011

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |