CRA’P residents April to July 2021


This is a research and creation project in which I want to dance my life. I want to investigate the way the body expresses the lived experiences, listen to the body to remember and review. A vital process divided into stages: first in the hands of the system, I suffer the effects of the deviation of humanity and history on me: homogenizing education, the separation of mind and body, … A loss of vital meaning and disorientation. Although a conscience was there … and then the appearance of discomforts, feelings of the body signaling to me that many things are not going well. Dissatisfaction Then begins the search stage that leads me to a process of repairing what can be repaired…






Patricia San Mateo Hidalgo (Barcelona, 1979). I have studied Engineering and Anthropology. I am a seeker of what it is to be human. I have also studied Consciousness Expansion Therapy and Past Lives, to find the dimensions of the human, and I am a Menstrual Therapist. Now creating a company called OudOca to make a healthy pedagogy of menstruation.
For many years I have danced: jazz, oriental, Andalusian, Latin dances (salsa, bachata,…), and in the last five years I have been practicing ballet. I have also performed improvisational dance with live music and “duende” dance. I have practiced seitai for more than 10 years: Katzugen-spontaneous movement and yuki-the accompaniment of the body through the hands.

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |