CRA’P Workshops 2020
4 Saturdays from 16th May to 6th June. 2 hours sessions.
18.00 Spain
13.00 Argentina
11.00 Mexico
21.30 India
Introductory course to oral mysticology, the art of storytelling as spiritual inspiration. It can be of interest to artists who want to use words as an element of change, public speakers and those who have interest in Indian mythology.
The course’s goal is to show the way a tale can be used as a tool of self and social transformation. The cosmogony which will be worked with is Indian, but the method is universal and appliable to any context.
Four meetings course with exercises to practice at home.
First meeting: definition of a spiritual tale.
What is, and how to read mysticology?
Nothing we read is literal, yet it is all true.
In this first meeting we will look into de links between fantasy and reality, as well as the meaning of “amplified reality. We Will look into the role of intuition in the telling of a story and open the question of what does the word spirituality mean for each of us, as well as the social importance of the meaning we give to this Word.
Second meeting: the symbolical body.
What is the imperceptible, or deep reality (akshara)? The body as a map of the imperceptible reality understood from examples and visualizations out of the Indian cosmogony. Introduction to spiritual storytelling as a link between physical sensation and the deep reality.
With the visualization of the stories there will be given a method to live mythology with the body, appliable to other traditions. Visualizations will be given and tools to create one’s own.
Third meeting: cosmic memory – origin and evolution.
A look into the role of memory as a tool of communication.
Malleable memory, collective and individual. With examples from the Indian tradition.
Fourth meeting: the most valuable birth.
The symbolical role of humanity. What is humanity at the light of what has been seen in the previous meetings: symbolical body, collective memory, shared fantasy and creativity in relation to the natural environment. Why is it so important to value humanity?
Taught by Michael Gadish
€ 45 (€ 36 CRA’P collaborators and associates and those who had donate for the crisis covid19)
If you cannot assume the cost of the workshop, contact us.
Registration: / 666 763 504
Online through the zoom platform
Michael Gadish have studied Hebrew philology BA in the University of Amsterdam and a certification program in sanskrit language and culture with Elena Sierra in the University of Barcelona. He collaborates as a writer in theater and contemporary dance projects since 2004. The search of the origins of language and the meeting between philosophy, art and the traditional with the contemporary has brought him to focus on story telling as a tool, combined with new scenic languages close to the performance arts as well as specializing in the roots of Indian traditional storrytelling: the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Purana, out of the feeling that they are an unending spring of wisdom and creativity. He collaborates with yoga training courses and organizes talks and workshops about Indian cosmogony which combines creativity with education. Since 2016 he is leading a 12 years performance based on the Mahabharata, where he commits to study during 12 years this great work and premiere each 12th of the 12th a new show based on a part of this story. Each 15 days he publishes a writing on the state of the process in the blog: