the poetics of the body MIREIA CHALAMANCH CRA’P resident October 2012 to June 2013 Presentation: thursday 13th of  June at 19:30h in CRA’P + INFO Photos: Vicenta Nevado

ONE YEAR AGO! CRA’P network projects 2012 Presentation: Friday 5 October 22h at the Centre – Llorenç del Penedès WITH: Screening of the video Simbiòtic 2011. A recollection of all activities hosted by the festival program. Presentation of the CD Recordings from Llorenç by Jaume Muntsant aka Nigul           + INFO

MIREIA CHALAMANCH – XGUIX SOCOS CRA’P residents july – august – september 2012 Presentation: saturday 22th of September at 19:30h in CRA’P + INFO Photos: CRA’P

CRA’P presentations 2012 4th and 5th of july at 20:30 in CRA’P by LA VELLA FAM with David Eudave, Leonardo Mancini, Pei Hwee Tan and Francesc Torrent A theatrical story that recounts a grotesque trip and displays a particular panoply of man… The old story about the Fall. A circle, a ventriloquist, a dance of the […]

JORDI MAS BALADO CRA’P resident october – november 2011 / march to june 2012 Presentation: friday 25th of may at 20h at CRA’P + INFO Photos: CRA’P

CRA’P collaborations 2012 On the occasion of the International Dance Day, CRA’P has prepared a weekend full of activities that celebrates at the same time the first year of the entity. Following, the program of public presentations:   FRIDAY, April 27th 18:30 Parc de les Pruneres, Mollet. We participate in the IDD celebration organized by […]

ESTITXU ARROYO SÁNCHEZ CRA’P resident april 2012 Presentation: friday 13th of april at 20h at CRA’P + INFO Photos: CRA’P

CIA. ADONK! CRA’P residents february 2012 Presentations: saturday 25th of february at 17:30 at  Pl.Prat de la Riba, Mollet at 19:30 at CRA’P + INFO Photos: CRA’P Photos: Núria Munné

CARLOS PACO PITARCH CRA’P resident November – Desember 2011 – January 2012 Presentation: Friday 10th of February at 20h at  CRA’P + INFO Photos: CRA’P

curated by Toni Cots CRA’P publications 2012 Presentation: Tuesday 24 January 19:30 at the bookshop La Central + INFO Photos: CRA’P  

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |