CRA’P publications 2012
The cd Gravacions de Llorenç by Nigul is part of the project Simbiòtic 2011 produced by Portal Nou and Cra’p in September-October 2011 in Llorenç del Penedès. This project invited 10 artists from different disciplines to work on collaborative proposals amongst themselves and with interested people from Llorenç.
Now, Cra’p launches the cd by Nigul, a sound artist taking part in Simbiòtic 2011, that he made in order to develop his artistic proposal Paisatge sonor de Llorenç.
Gravacions de Llorenç is a collection of recorded sound postcards without any manipulations, besides some minimal and basic equalizing and master processes. They are part of this town reality, enabling to open other spaces and landscapes in the listener’s imaginary.
CRA’P has it at your disposal for 5 € ( / +34 622 798 789).