Open rehearsal

CRA’P presentations 2017

Sunday 19 November at 11h in CRA’P

Breathing the Mahabharata is a 12 years long performance based on the great Indian work, the Mahabharata. For 12 years the performer commits himself to study the Mahabharata, to publish every 15 days the state of the proces in the blog: and to premiere each year, on the 12th of December, a new performance based on the text of this work. From 2016 to 2028.

The performances are based mainly on the spoken word, combining the formats of traditional story telling with performance art and new dramaturgical styles. By this way the performer commits himself to narrate the whole tale (the Mahabharata has more than 7000 pages) along these 12 performances. Each performance has its meaning by itself and on the same time it has a meaning in the context of the continuous process that will span these 12 years.

The second performance of Breathing the Mahabharata will be premiered the coming 12 of December in Buenos Aires but before leaving we want to present an open rehearsal in CRA’P. The second performance comprehends a recapitulation of everything that has influenced us the last year, both in terms of content, as structure and the elements which compose this structure. For the second year we have worked on the symbolism of the number 2: couple life, masculine-feminine connection and duality, seen from the content of the selected fragment of the Mahabharata and from our experience.







Michael Gadish combines together the study of Hebrew and Sanskrit language with theater, dance and performance dramaturgy. Research on orality and storytelling matched with a passion for sacred stories from India has led him to throw himself almost exclusively in this tradition. He gives lectures about Indian mythology that fuse a didactic attitude with an artistic experience.

Gisele Cornejo is an actress, singer and tarot reader. Gisele Cornejo is a regular member of Respirar el Mahabharata project.

Free entrance


Photos: Alba Montañez

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |