CRA’P workshops 2014
Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 November from 10h to 14h
Dancing awake, present and conscious takes as to a creative and infinite space. Sleep dancing is an inspiration: taking from the slpeeping state what is beneficial for movement; the sleep suspension, the dream momentum, the vastness of a landscape asleep… On the other hand we want to see what does “the sleeping things” state conects us with. It is a metaphor for awaken senses, awareness, calmness, softness, instinct, mystery, images, dreams, the unlimited space.This is a week end workshop where each person can find out and maximize his own movment and spontaneity. The starting point is breathing, body awareness practices (yuki, katsugen, contemporary dance tecnique), photographs observation, imagination, costume and working in couples as tools to enter into a new state.
Aimed at people who want to deepen their knowledge of the movement to benefit both personal and professional development. People who want to widen their creative space, their own universe and spontaneity where everything flows…
Conducted by Montse Roig
Montse Roig graduates in choreography at Sndo departament (School for new dance development) at AHK, Holland. Later on, in Barcelona, specializes in dance theater and Keep moving with Mercedes Boronat as dancer and asistant for 6 years. como bailarina i asistente de la coreógrafa durante 6 años. Also dancer and asistant for Luca Silvestrini in Cruïlles, Mercat de les Flors project. Developes her own vocabulary next to Elia Genis, with whom creates arround performance, dance-theater and visual arts. Nowadays she developes her own projects in colaboration with other artists and choreographers, her last experience was in Fira Tárrega 2014, opening show directed by Ignacio Achurra.
Fee: 50 eur Registration: All CRA’P partners have a minimum 10% discount on all activities.
More information: Taller Montse Roig