CRA’P laboratories 2011
May – June – July / October – November – December
This LAB aims to generate a transmission critical framework to research body based practices: improvisation sessions, collaborative proposals, debates about the discourses underlying the space of representation, and shared reflections on other contemporary art disciplines.
The LAB provides a space for formal and informal exchange of knowledge, based on a principle of reciprocity during a timeshare that draws from the experiences, capabilities and proposals of each participant. Its continuity responds to the need to develop a process of exchange, collaboration and dialogue based on research and experimentation in order to generate a common ground of each individuals performing experience.
The essence of this LAB is that anyone interested can bring their knowledge, experience or views, as we are interested in building a continously evolving collective knowledge map.
Lead by Toni Cots
Toni Cots is an actor, researcher, teacher and director of Performing Arts. Has studied contemporary dance in Europe and different theatre traditions and martial arts in Asia. Has been an actor of Odin Theatre and a staff member of ISTA – International School of Theatre Anthropology. Has directed cultural and theatre programs, activities and festivals in different countries and cities (Sitges, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Barcelona, etc). Has generated international cultural projects related to social issues in different countries as well. His artistic work as Basho has been produced and presented in Europe, Latinamerica and Asia. Has generated and coordinated between 2001 and 2010 together with the dance company Malpelo, the research and creation centre L’animal a l’esquena, Girona Spain. He is the director of the MA in Contemporary Arts Practice & Dissemination. Member of the editorial board of the journal Performance Research (Routledge). Founding member of Cra’p.