CRA’P resident April – May 2011
I think that for deaf people, in some cases, watching dance might be an experience very close to the one listeners have by listening music. I present you the abstraction of a genesis. A naive scenic score, calm and minimalist, where the magic movement of a light body becomes human. A very elaborated textile construction reflects beams of light in the darkness. Animated from inside with a conitious movement, the volumen will constanlty change of form and colors suggesting different images to the view of each spectator. Music, movement, light and textile plasticity are integrated to provide to deaf people a visual perception of the sound. The body is designed as a transmitter of sound and thought takes the role of a sound “collage”, finding a visual music.
Txell Janot (concept, performer and textile construction) studies dance, circus techniques and plastic arts at independent centers in Barcelona. In her creations, dance and costume borns from the same desire of expresión. Was co-director of Lazzard danza-circo, in Tenerife. Actress at La Fura dels Baus. Has participated at the Project “Paisatges”, with cia. Raravis. Designs and produces costume, strezzo and scenography.
Gustavo Hernández Rivero (musical direction and arrangements) trains in different fields of percusión with Francisco Diaz, Freres Coulibari, Consten de Parafna, Fodé, Shiam Misra, Nanta Kumar, Riki Fam i Alfonso Aldama. Has performed with the Simfonic Orchestra of Tenerife, Francisco Díaz, Baba Djembe, Fodé Dia, Domus Solis, Delay encaix and participates at the Dr Moon and Golpe a golpe.
Valeria Linera (lighting) trained in contemporary dance in Argentina and Catalunya, where she has given clases and created her own pieces. She does scenic lighting for other artist works and directs the Dial Arts project, that promotes dance in relation to other aspects of dance.
Jodra (photography and assistant director) has graduated in Information Science at U. Complutense, Madrid. Works with Radio, TV, cinema and is technic of comunication departments of public organizations. She does photography, writes and dances.
Concept, dance and textile constructions: Txell Janot / musical direction: Gustavo Hernández Rivero / arrangements B.S.O: Gustavo Hernández Rivero with collaboration of Vidi Vidal / direction assistant: Gustavo Hernández Rivero i Elena de la Fuente / lighting: Valeria Linera / photography: Jodra /Artistic residencies: La Serradora, Teatro Victoria, Can Gomà i CRA´P /rehersal speace: el local de Raravis /Tenerife press: Marisma Comunicaciones /Thanks to: Rosa Muñoz, Anabel Esteban, Esther Freixa, Carme Torrent, Roberto Torres, Tones Llabrés, Ernest Coll, Jose Castro, Hèlios Armengol, Llorenç Parra, Victor Turull, TeatroKDO, La Poderosa, Jose Pascual, Fito. /Bibliography: “La música y la mente” d´Anthony Storr and “Veo una voz” d´Oliver Sacks / filmography: “Fantasía” de Walt Disney