CRA’P Workshops 2025

From 22 to 29 March

For the first time, CRA’P will host the international collective Academy of the Unfulfilled, with a pedagogical and creative project, sponsored by the ERASMUS Mobility Fund of the European Union, in collaboration with CRA’P. For five days, we will immerse ourselves in a performing arts workshop focused on storytelling, singing and dancing as tools for social interaction and transformation, which will culminate in the public presentation of a theatrical event.

During 5 days of work, we will explore the action of choral singing, acting, improvisation and dance as tools for interaction in everyday contexts. The art of storytelling will also be an object of study, always seen as an interactive performative form, where the word can be nourished by the context in which it is performed and vice versa.

The source material for this work will be the performative structure called Voces Familiares, an inclusive and versatile theatrical event that interweaves songs from the Colombian Pacific tradition, reflections from A Theology of Liberation and texts from the Christian tradition, to create a sensitive, aesthetic, and critical parallel between the story of a child born 2,000 years ago and that of a contemporary migrant family; reflecting on the meaning of the words empathy, forgiveness and charity. The workshop participants will have access to a dramaturgical draft of Voces Familiares, to choose the artistic material they will work with, and may also propose their own songs and/or narratives as work material. The workshop will culminate in the public presentation of Voces Familiares, performed by the members of the Academy of the Unfulfilled and the workshop participants. This will be an evening in which we will organize the space of CRA’P like the living room of our home, prepare something to eat, and invite the residents of Mollet to an evening of singing together, sharing stories and reflecting.

The workshop is open to anyone, with or without experience in the artistic field, who is curious and has the desire to sing, tell stories, or just be in the company of other people.

With Jorge Romero Mora (Colombia), Felicita Marcelli (Italy), Pei Hwee Tan (Singapore) and Martín Cottet (Chile)  

Dates and times:

*You have two ways to participate in this workshop, depending on your commitments, with

Group 1 and Group 2

Group 1 and Group 2: Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 March from 10h to 17h.

Group 1: Monday 24, Wednesday 26 & Friday 28 March from 15h to 20h
Group 2: Monday 24, Wednesday 26 & Friday 28 March from 18h to 20h

Date and time of the final presentation: Saturday 29 March at 20h.


Group 1

220€ (190€ CRA’P collaborators and associated members, members of the APdC, APCC, AADPC, AGT and graduates from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona)

Discount registration before 28 February:

200€ (170€ CRA’P collaborators and associated members, members of the APdC, APCC, AADPC, AGT and graduates from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona)

Group 2

150€ (120€ CRA’P collaborators and associated members, members of the APdC, APCC, AADPC, AGT and graduates from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona)

Discount registration before 28 February:

130€ (100€ CRA’P collaborators and associated members, members of the APdC, APCC, AADPC, AGT and graduates from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona)


info@cra-p.org / 666 763 504

CRA’P space

Academy of the Unfulfilled (Accademia dell’Incompiuto) – Italy

The Academy of the Unfulfilled is an organization whose artistic and cultural activity are at the service of civil society. It is made up of practitioners with extensive experience both in theatre and in working with formal and informal groups through the arts, in collaboration with members of the new generations in Italy and other countries. Through the creation of performances, pedagogical projects, and interdisciplinary activities, the Academy promotes an innovative concept of citizenship through artistic cooperation, and proposes a new imagination of all things “public”, creating with professionals and non-professionals “transitional communities” centred on artistic practice. Thus, the Academy experiments with new forms of collaboration, both in its internal functioning and in collaboration with third parties, including the development of non-violent and non-discriminatory methods of cooperation and communication. Some of the founders of the Academy, including Jorge Romero Mora and Felicita Marcelli, were previously members of the Open Program, an artistic group founded in 2007 by Mario Biagini within the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards.

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès | info@cra-p.org