CRA’P Collaborations 2023

CRA’P welcomes this proposal by Esther Freixa with the aim of integrating the practice of Kalaripayattu with other disciplines in a unique experience in the middle of nature.

From 24 to 26 November at Vall del Llémena, Girona.


Kalaripayattu is an ancient martial art from Kerala, in southern India. It is based on the observation of nature and especially of some animals and their movements. Its practice allows the opening of energy channels by taking the body to its limits. It is a discipline that strengthens, relaxes and balances physically, mentally and spiritually. It will be the axis of the retreat linked to yoga, meditation and vedic chanting. The fifth element of the experience will be the body/nature exploration that will take place during the guided group walks.

The place: A farmhouse from 1318 in the Vall del Llémena.

We will be welcomed by a farmhouse specially prepared to carry out retreat activities. A few kilometers from the city of Girona and surrounded by nature, warmth and calm. The beds are single and the rooms are shared in small groups. It has common spaces, a practice room with views of the mountains. A family atmosphere with all the comforts.







6:30-7h                      Meditation
7h-9h                         Kalaripayattu and Yoga
9h-10h                       Vedic chant
10h                             Breakfast
11h-13h                     Body/Nature
13h-14h                     Free time
14h                             Lunch
15h-16h                     Free time
16h-17h                     Body/Nature
17h-19h                     Kalaripayattu and Yoga
19h                             Dinner
20h-20:30                  Free time
20:30-21:30              Vedic chant
21:30-22h                 Meditation
22h                            Silence

The practices will be led by Esther Freixa.






Esther Freixa is a performer, stage creator and actress, with a degree in drama from the Barcelona Theater Institute. She continues to train between Barcelona and Berlin, going deeper mainly through Body Weather and Biovoice. Her interest in Indian culture and knowledge led her to study at the Jaume Grau Yoga School, in the tradition of T.Krishnamacharya, from 2005 to 2013. There she studied yoga, Vedic chanting, meditation and the Yoga Sutra text of Patanjali. Since 2012, she regularly travels to India to learn kalaripayattu in Hindustan Kalari Sangam and Kalarigram. Since 2007 she has collaborated with the actor and director Toni Cots with whom she investigates the scenic language and has traveled through different countries in Europe and Latin America giving workshops and touring her works from 2013 to the present. She accompanies and directs the creation processes of different artists. Since 2016 she has collaborated with the NLP coach and trainer Lourdes Gironès in her TransformArte project, developed mainly in Spain, Argentina, Uruguay and Mexico. She is a founding member of CRA’P, artistic creation and research practices in Mollet del Vallès, Barcelona. Since 2015 she teaches the practice of Kalaripayattu in Spain with regular classes, intensive workshops and in 2020 she creates this retreat, where she integrates Kalari with other disciplines in an intense and moving experience.


All levels. No previous experience is required.

Arrival: Friday, November 24 at 3:30 p.m. It is necessary to be punctual to distribute the rooms, make the introduction of the retreat and be able to start punctually with the practices.

Departure: Sunday, November 26, around 3:00 p.m., after lunch.

Food will be vegan and organic. There will be tea, fruit and nuts always available.

235€ Includes accommodation, food and practices (220€ CRA’P collaborators and associated members)
215€ before 6 November (200€ CRA’P collaborators and associated members)

Very limited places.

More information and registrations: / 676 229 766


CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |