CRA’P Presentations 2023

Saturday 6th May at noon

This year, we have many reasons to celebrate at CRA’P. This party is to thank all and each of you that is giving support: every month, every year, punctually or from time to time. Nothing has been more fortunate for us than crying for help and receiving support; and this year we have been lucky because we have received lots!!!

We want therefore to celebrate with a party in which CRA’P CABARET will open it, as an initiatory event, in which music, humour and singularity are combined with gags and performances by Toni Cots, Diana Gadish, Ameno, Gisele Cornejo and Sara Pons.

It will continue with interventions by guest artists: Emilie Lund, Ana S Couso, Zoe Balasch, Danilo Facelli and Hugo Martínez.

With their performances we want to give thanks, and to celebrate that we are still here and want to carry on growing.

At the end, there will be a snack, and whoever wants to stay a bit longer can bring some food to share and eat together.

Reverse ticket office. Free entrance.









Fotos: Alba Montañez

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |