CRA’P Collaborations 2022

Friday 30 September at 20:30
La Tramolla – Mollet del Vallès

CRA’P presents “30 YEARS – A POETIC ACT OF RESISTANCE” a performance by Toni Cots and Esther Freixa

30 YEARS – A poetic act of resistance arises from the writings of Ingeborg Bachmann. With her voice, always present, we question our deepest humanity. It reveals the ambivalence of a world that, despite being cruel, alienating, limiting, making it difficult for us to live our lives with freedom, in it we can experience a most subtle beauty. During these thirty years, we make together a round trip journey from the oblivion, opening cracks in the time of memory, celebrating the encounter.










Dramaturgy: Toni Cots

On stage: Esther Freixa i Ràfols

With the support of: CRA’P – Artistic creation and research practices

60 min.

15€ (13€ per col·laboradors i associats de CRA’P i socies/socies de La Tramolla)


Recomended from 16 years old.

Toni Cots and Esther Freixa i Ràfols have collaborated since 2007, establishing a continuous
dialogue related to Performing Arts. Together they have created an artistic language that is
confronted with the gaze of the viewer and a variety of approaches to body and text,
characterized by a poetics of intimacy, looking for how a theatrical event can become a shared
place with the spectator.

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |