CRA’P resident May-June-October 2021
Coreografías Selváticas is a research for performance that arises from the interest on sensitive production focused on the movements and forms of vegetal life. The curiosity that emanates from plants goes hand in hand with experimentation, alchemy and cultivation, three great magnetic fields where humanity can find the flow of its multiplicity as food / medicine / poison. This extends over time, in different cultures, with countless practices ranging from rituals, shamanic ceremonies, to recreational and culinary uses. Coreografías Selváticas is wondering if the charm with which the plant world relates to human life has to do with the power of imagining life forms that suspend oppression in any of its forms, and also with extending the aesthetic experience to other fields of perception. Coreografías Selvátivas is a dance that emerges from communication with forms of vegetal life. It is a botanical book in motion.
Adriana Reyes is an anthropologist and creator in living arts. Master in Feminist Studies, she has specialized in sexualities and diversity. In turn, she has trained with different artists between Spain, Brazil and Portugal. She has been immersed in the study of Amazonian plants for more than ten years. The social sciences, the living arts, transfeminist studies and medicines are her fields of interest, pleasure and action.