CRA’P Trainings 2020

Regular practice of Kalaripayattu, south Indian marcial art form.

From January to March
From Monday to Friday from 9h to 10:30h.

June and July
Wednesday and Fridays from 8:30 at 9:45h.

September and October
Wednesday and Friday from 8:30h to 9:45h. Tuesday 20:15h to 21:30h.

November and December
Monday and Wednesday from 8:30h to 9:45h. Monday from 17h to 18:15h.







Guided by Esther Freixa 

Esther Freixa i Ràfols is an actress and theater maker with a degree in acting from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona.  She works as a performer with different artists and companies. At the same time, she searches for pedagogic outlines to allow the transmission of knowledge about the body and the creative act: classes, workshops and various courses. Since 2012 she is learning Kalaripayattu in Hindustan Kalari Sangam, Kozhikode, India. She is a founding member of CRA’P – Creation and artistic research Practices.

For more information write to or call to 666 763 504.

CRA'P - pràctiques de creació i recerca artística | Anselm Clavé 67, 3r | 08100 Mollet del Vallès |