CRA’P workshops 2011 March – April – May: Tuesdays from 20h to 22h We propose an approach to the moving body as a vehicle of experience, expression and creativity. Working sessions will be organized in three parts. A physical training to work on flexibility, strength, resistance, coordination, dissociation, and exercises aimed to deepen the way […]
CRA’P workshops 2011 March – April – May: Mondays from 10.00h to 12.00h With this workshop we propose to explore movement and to create a space in order to understand one’s own body as an expressive vehicle. Will start from the study of the joint anatomy and the biomechanics of movement to understand its organicity […]
CRA’P workshops 2011 March – April – May: Thursdays from 19.30h to 21.30h The aim of this workshop is to generate a research space to explore the different possibilities given by the body and the voice as fundamental tools for dramatic expression. Some content to be developped: the basic principles of scenic presence (altering the balance-opposites-intentions), […]